
PDO Thread Lifts in Salt Lake City, Utah

If you like the idea of getting a facelift but are looking for something less invasive, the non-surgical PDO ThreadLift may be what you’re looking for! What in the world are thread lifts? PDO Threads placed strategically under the skin have been highly effective and a minimally invasive way to improve firmness of the skin.

Threads are gently placed under the skin on both the neck and face. The threads consist of PDO or “polydioxanone” a synthetic polymer. Healthy youthful skin naturally has a “V-Shape”. As we age we begin to lose the “V-Shape”. PDO threads create a scaffolding under the skin in order to support the tissues and keep them in the “V-shape” or to delicately lift the tissues and reposition the skin to recreate the “V-shape” where it’s been lost.

PDO Thread Treatment In Utah

Natural Results

Thread Lifts are gaining a lot of popularity in the aesthetic world for their results that are more natural than fillers. If you want to attain a youthful vibe without appearing artificial in any way, shape or form, a thread lift may help you do so. Thread lifts are most effective on the neck and jawline where skin tends to sag or droop.

Non-Surgical Facelift

PDO Thread Lifts are an ideal non-surgical way to lift skin that hangs and droops. They’re optimal for people who have concerns with neck and face skin that’s no longer as resilient as it was in the past. People who have cheeks or jowls that droop noticeably often opt for thread lifts. If the area around your eyes constantly makes you look fatigued and stressed out, then a thread lift may be able to reverse signs of aging.

Little to No Pain

Most people feel anxious about possible treatment-related discomfort and pain. The good news, though, is that thread lifts aren’t associated with significant pain. Most patients only experience mild bruising and swelling and are completely healed within 7-10 days compared to the healing process after a surgical facelifts which can take months.

PDO Thread Lift Before and Afters


Product PDO Threads

Purpose Lift, reduce appearance of line, and stimulate your own collagen

Cost $2,000-$3,000

Duration 24-36 months


Product PDO Threads

Purpose Lift, reduce appearance of line, and stimulate your own collagen

Cost $2,000-$3,000

Duration 24-36 months


Product PDO Threads

Purpose Lift, reduce appearance of line, and stimulate your own collagen

Cost $2,000-$3,000

Duration 24-36 months


Product PDO Threads

Purpose Lift, reduce appearance of line, and stimulate your own collagen

Cost $2,000-$3,000

Duration 24-36 months


Product PDO Threads

Purpose Lift, reduce appearance of line, and stimulate your own collagen

Cost $2,000-$3,000

Duration 24-36 months


Product PDO Threads

Purpose Lift, reduce appearance of line, and stimulate your own collagen

Cost $2,000-$3,000

Duration 24-36 months


Product PDO Threads

Purpose Lift, reduce appearance of line, and stimulate your own collagen

Cost $2,000-$3,000

Duration 24-36 months

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What Conditions does a PDO thread lift treat?

Thread Lifts are gaining a lot of popularity in the aesthetic world for their results that are more natural than fillers. If you want to attain a youthful vibe without appearing artificial in any way, shape or form, a thread lift may help you do so. Thread lifts are most effective on the neck and jawline where skin tends to sag or droop.

Lifts droopy cheeks and neck

Increases collagen production

Improves skin firmness and texture

Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and lines

Younger looking appearance

Call La Belle Vie to set up a PDO thread lift consultation to learn more.

PDO Thread Lift Frequently Asked Questions:

The PDO Threads are inserted strategically under the skin of the face and neck. While the threads are in place, the underlying tissue gently reacts to the threads with a “selective inflammatory response” to produce collagen. Collagen is the body’s own “fountain of youth”. The extra collegen naturally create a longer-lasting youthful result. Other aesthetic procedures also create collagen such as fractioned lasers, the Profound skin tightening treatments and microneedling. When the underlying tissues are damaged it immediately begins to repair itself. When PDO Threads are inserted underneath the skin to lift the loose skin, the skin heals itself by creating new collagen naturally!
Patients report some post-op discomfort which usually resolves quickly. Most patients who undergo threading have some bruising and swelling, however, for most people, the bruising and swelling is minimal and resolves in less than a week. If the threads, for some reason, become visible underneath the skin or migrate, it can be easily removed if necessary and new threads can be placed.
Anyone who is unhappy with their appearance who wants to naturally rejuvenate the skin of the face without general anesthesia or surgery. Those who are looking for a solution with rapid recovery time and minimal cost compared to a facelift or a necklift. Thread Lift may be combined with other, more minor surgical procedures, such as Botox, Injectable Fillers, microneedling or skin resurfacing lasers.
The most popular treatment areas are the cheeks (midface), jowls, and the upper neck and brows. However, the PDO Thread Lift can be performed virtually anywhere on the body where there is sagging skin such as small loose or sagging areas on the upper arms, stomach, thighs and around the knees.
This is a rare occurrence but if they do we can remove the threads and reinsert them.
While results vary from person to person, most patients report that their skin is immediately lifted, as the threads provde support to lift skin in its new position. You may look slightly tighter than the final result, but in about one week, you will begin to look much more natural. After 1-2 months you’ll see the full results of better skin texture, firmer and smoother skin. Your results depend on the type of technique used, the health of your skin and other factors.